I would like to wish all of my wonderful blog friends a Happy New Year! May 2012 bring you love, joy and happiness.
Is this just one of the cutest little postcards? This is an actual postcard I have in my collection of family heirlooms. This card was sent by my Great Grandmother, to my Great, Great Grandmother for my Auntie, who is my God Mother.
This was mailed on December 31, 1908, and the cost was only ONE CENT !! Can you believe it? One cent to mail a post card! I'm sure many have seen the postcards of old, they are embossed, and many vibrant colors were used. You can actually see the embossing on the back side of this postcard. And, they were sent as we would pick up the phone and call, or send an email today. They were mementos, just as they are today! Also, if you notice, there is no address! Just a name and city. This one at least has Long Island. Many just say Babylon, Hoboken, "City" and don't give a state unless it was leaving the state. Or if it was coming in from outside of the US it would say on the left hand side of the address, United States of America (or Amerika).
This one was also sent by my Great Grandmother, to my Great, Great Grandmother, for my Granny - she would have been around 5 in 1908, her sister, my Auntie was a babe of only 3 months (who is still alive and living on Long Island in sharp as a tack at 104!)
Happy New Year to all my friends! May the Lord bless your New Year with good health, love, joy and happiness.
May your blessings be many and your troubles be few!
**I'm sharing these wonderful family heirlooms, and I ask you don't copy them and pass off as your own. Thank you!**
Is this just one of the cutest little postcards? This is an actual postcard I have in my collection of family heirlooms. This card was sent by my Great Grandmother, to my Great, Great Grandmother for my Auntie, who is my God Mother.

This was mailed on December 31, 1908, and the cost was only ONE CENT !! Can you believe it? One cent to mail a post card! I'm sure many have seen the postcards of old, they are embossed, and many vibrant colors were used. You can actually see the embossing on the back side of this postcard. And, they were sent as we would pick up the phone and call, or send an email today. They were mementos, just as they are today! Also, if you notice, there is no address! Just a name and city. This one at least has Long Island. Many just say Babylon, Hoboken, "City" and don't give a state unless it was leaving the state. Or if it was coming in from outside of the US it would say on the left hand side of the address, United States of America (or Amerika).
This one was also sent by my Great Grandmother, to my Great, Great Grandmother, for my Granny - she would have been around 5 in 1908, her sister, my Auntie was a babe of only 3 months (who is still alive and living on Long Island in sharp as a tack at 104!)
Happy New Year to all my friends! May the Lord bless your New Year with good health, love, joy and happiness.
May your blessings be many and your troubles be few!
**I'm sharing these wonderful family heirlooms, and I ask you don't copy them and pass off as your own. Thank you!**