Several posts back I shared with you the hooded scarf I crocheted for my sweet granddaughter, Elise. She is such a beautiful young lady! And, a great smile! I've made these all in the same color Isaac had originally asked for in this beautiful blue, one of their school colors.

I had actually started out making older brother, Isaac a scarf - and just couldn't get a pattern I liked so made one up myself. He did not want fringe, and the straight ends ~ well, I just didn't care for them so I rounded them - he likes them, and that's what matters.

I had actually started out making older brother, Isaac a scarf - and just couldn't get a pattern I liked so made one up myself. He did not want fringe, and the straight ends ~ well, I just didn't care for them so I rounded them - he likes them, and that's what matters.
When I asked little wee one, Leila, if she would like a hooded scarf like sister's, she said, "yes, but not with these flippy things!" So, getting to the bottom of this, I finally asked, "OK, you mean you would rather have yours with a collar and not a scarf?" "Yep!" and out the door she went. So, here is Leila's hooded cowl collar!
All I did with this pattern, quite honestly, is when it came time to do the scarf portion of it, I simply made it short enough to be a collar. I plan on either purchasing two buttons, or making them of polymer clay that will be double sided, so she can move the buttons as she grows a bit. I'm showing the collar crossing a bit in the front, but it will go straight across when buttoned. I did this so show the length of the collar. I should have this finished and in the mail by the end of the week, along with a new scarf she's ordered. This time in green - guess she likes the flippy things on a scarf after all! Sheesh!
Thanks for taking a peek at my latest creation! I love sharing with all of you the love I have in my heart by making things for family and friends!
Many blessings,
****And a quick update****
Thank you all for your concern for me and for my family emergency. I am feeling much better, Praise the Lord. And, our family emergency is getting better by each passing hour. Thank you all for your kind emails, your thoughts and especially your prayers!! Love to you all!!